Thursday, April 2, 2009

didn't lose but didn't gain.

OK, maybe I haven't been as diligent with my diet plan this week but I needed a little break. I'm sure the crawfish on Sunday started it all but for some reason I was ravenous at work this week. That usually isn't the case but for some reason I wanted to snack. Nothing bad; I didn't binge or anything but I'm sure I "munched" on a few things at work and at home that kept me at my status quo. Last week I was at 240.4 I weighed this evening and I was 241 on the nose...that's nothing more than a good BM for me so I'm calling it even.

I'm still pondering changing to the low carb Diet To Go Plan. Even eliminating the extra calorie packs of yogurt, jams and jellies, juices and extra bread, my sugars have been higher than normal since starting DTG. My morning readings are 140--160 or so and by lunch (given what I may have had for breakfast) can rise closer to 200. No one will be happy with or myself. I realize the low carb is meat and fat heavy but I'm on a good cholesterol statin and I recently had a stress test and heart scan and things looked fine. I'm more worried about putting my sugars back in line than severe blockage due to cholesterol. I'm a firm believer that everybody has a set of "body norms." My cholesterol has always teetered around the same number ever since I began checking it several years ago as have my triglycerides. I also believe that some "bodies" are comfortable at a certain weight even if considered unhealthy by the medical community. Sure this goes against conventional thought and I'm certainly not advocating that you stay at 400 pounds because "your body told you to." I am saying that there are several factors that determine a healthy weight for certain individuals including blood type, body type and diet.

I have always been able to lose weight on any diet...sticking to it is the key. There always came a time though when I needed to get over a hump or plateau where you had to consume way less calories that the diet plan called had to go to bed hungry. It got to the point to where if my stomach wasn't growling all the time I didn't feel I was losing any weight. That can certainly lead to an eating disorder and likely has. It's like athletes who actually begin to enjoy the pain. Believe me, I was never in any real danger because I could ALWAYS go right back to pleasuring myself with food. (many bulimics and anorexics can't draw that line) I'm hoping to do things different this time but feel I might "react" better to the low carb diet plan at DTG. I've done well on Atkins and Sugar Busters before but if I'm being honest a lot of the dishes in the low fat meals are vegetable based and many don't appeal to me...I'm a meat eater; always have been.

I'm planning of making the call tonight so by next Thursday I'll have a new set of menus and food. I'll keep you posted on how I like that plan, too. Also, I want to share with you guys that of the 7 shipments that came in the "ice chest" version and not the cardboard box and insulated panels, only one arrived in good enough shape to be used again and not completely destroyed. The food never spoiled or none of the meals were unusable but I love how on the DTG site it says you get a free ice chest with the delivered ya don't.


  1. Hi Bo,

    I'm anxious to see how you like and do on the low carb plan. Although I'm content with my progress on the DTG low fat plan so far, there may be a time when I need to change as well. My body type has always seemed to lose better when I remove the carbs. Kind of back in the 50's and 60's when we were all told to lay off the bread and potatoes to lose weight.
    Good Luck my friend.

  2. Hi, Bo - Have you thought about going to the plan where you only get lunch and dinner delivered? It looks to me like the breakfasts have a lot of sugar in them. I do local pickup of the lunches and dinners, and have found its pretty easy to do breakfast within the calorie limits on my own. Then again, breakfast has never been a "problem meal" for me. Anyway, that might be a way to better control the amount of sugar you are getting without worrying about the possible increase in fat/cholesteral.

    Oh, and I think everyone has a non-losing week here and there. Good to see you aren't beating yourself up about it! The important thing is to not get discouraged and to start backtracking.
