Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I made it past Thanksgiving without gaining a pound!

Whew, I must confess; I was sweating the Thanksgiving holidays for a number of reasons one of which was my weight loss goals. I'm happy to say I enjoyed myself immensely, ate and drank with my family and had no measurable gains because of it. I'm not sure how that happened but I'm thankful for it. We hosted the entire family at our new home in MS and all went very well. My sister in law Pam came in from NC and did almost all of the cooking. The side dishes were delectable and the turkey and ham came out great! (First time I've brined a turkey)

I was able to stop my shipment for that week and will resume this week. It's easily done online or with a simple phone call. I will need to stop my shipments next week and resume the week after that as well because I will be taking some time off for some scheduled surgery. I'll be OK but need about 2 weeks for recovery. I plan on having those that take care of me heat and serve my DTG meals so I can stick with the program and make it easier on them. For those looking to take off a few pounds as part of your New Year Resolutions I highly recommend the Diet To Go meal plan over anything else I've ever tried. Whether you're looking to drop 20 or 200 I believe embracing the DTG philosophy will get it done. Trust me, you'll become bored with the other plans out there very quickly as the food is not fresh and it repeats too often. With 5 different weeks of meals you are ready for week one again after finishing week 5.

I started in February of 2009 and plan to stick to this plan until at least Feb 2010 to lose my final 20 pounds. If I am able to reach my goal of losing 60 pounds it will have taken me 1 year. I feel an average of 5 pounds a month is reasonable and my chances of keeping it off are better than if I'd taken it off in 6-8 months. I have ALWAYS put it all right back on when losing it that fast. I hope you all had a great holiday and were able to stick to your goals throughout the festivities but if not, don't beat yourself up over it just get back on the plan and keep losing. It has been working for me and I hope to get the remaining 20 off by February and reach my goal of being under 200 pounds for the first time in....I can't remember when.


  1. congrats! And congrats to your Saints, too! I was watching the game last night, and envisioning your son singing that song...haha!

  2. Bo

    Congratulations on not gaining as well as settling into the new house. I also wish you well on your upcoming surgery. I'm only guessing, but maybe you didn't gain because you are on the low carb plan and you indulged in protein type foods? Then again, maybe you just learned to eat proper portions being on DTG since Jan 09.

    Bo. keep up the great work.
