Thursday, May 14, 2009

I've got good news and GREAT news!!

Let's start with the good news. I lost a pound this week bringing my total to 26 pounds! It was a rough week because I was a bit depressed that the scale didn't move last week but I'll take the pound and see if I can post a big loss for next week getting closer to my goal of 30 pounds before vacation. I find with the low carb plan the weight loss comes in spurts. Unfortunately, a lot of times the weight lost is dependant upon how well your bowels moved that week. I've mentioned before that for some reason all that protein tends to bind.

Now the great news; I went to the doctor for a checkup on Tuesday and of course she noticed I have lost weight but more importantly my blood work was remarkable. I won't go into too much detail but I can tell you my triglyceride levels have plummeted considerably. I'm still outside of the normal range but being in the 300's is leaps and bounds better than when the number was so high they could calculate some of my cholesterol numbers. I was once at 1059!!! My A1C level has dropped down into range and my glucose levels have dropped from 138 into the 120's. This morning my own stick came up 99! It's the first time I've been out of the triple digits since I don't know when.

My doc was so impressed with the results that DTG has given me she asked for some information from them that she can give to interested patients. I'm walking talking living proof that this program can and has lowered my blood sugars while losing weight. It's another shining endorsement for the DTG program, I feel. I've noticed some new followers of this blog that are new to the DTG program. I hope you are encouraged by these results because chances are you too are dealing with the same issues I am. Diabetes is rough and I want to avoid becoming an inject able diabetic like the plague!

I'm hoping to pick my exercise up a bit more. The elevator is a ghost to me...I haven't taken an elevator ride in over two months now as the dozen or so trips up and down three flights of stairs has gotten easier. It's not an organized program but it's all I have right now until I can find a way to shake my schedule loose and exercise. I feel so much better these days and look forward to losing even more. I'm wearing clothes that still have the dry cleaners tags on them from the last time I fit into's like a new wardrobe! The comments from people that know me all say they notice a difference and to keep it up. We have free concerts every Wednesday in Lafayette square. I ran into several people that knew me and they all commented on the weight I've lost...some were encouraged by it too. Stick with the plan; the plan will work for you.


  1. That IS great news! Congrats to you and your hard work, that triglyceride number is amazing!

  2. Bo

    Keep up the great work you're on a roll, keep it going. I can feel your glow, I'm happy for you, you deserve the rewards for your hard work, even if DTG makes it easier. Way to go on taking the steps, the exercise pays off.

  3. Congrats on yet another pound! I knew DTG was amazing and I am glad your doctor is spreading the word. The more people we can get on this plan, the better! And yes, you definitely inspire me, I am just at the beginning of my second week and already have the "skinnier" feeling that I get when I am doing good on a diet. I can't wait to get to 26 pounds like you, that is a major accomplishment!!
