Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Stumbling through another week...

I feel like I'm stuck at 224...not that it's a bad thing but I'd like to hit the teens before the end of July! I knocked my meal program back to 5 days a week/3 meals per day because it seems like I have a backlog of extra meals. With the recent holiday and an extra shipment while I was on vacation, for some reason I have several leftover meals. I'm trying to get my wife to eat them and I hate throwing them away...I pay for them, ya know. Invariably I end up eating a breakfast or two off program and a couple of lunches or dinners so 5 days should be plenty to fill out the week.

My last shipment was completely destroyed by UPS. I mean I barely got it home before the whole box just fell apart. I don't know what they did to it but I hope no more arrive like that. I called DTG and explained what happened. Even though they have no control over what UPS does with their packages they were kind enough to ship my next set of meals for free! Great customer service.

I've been pretty stressed out lately with the move (we got an apartment in MS over the fourth) and looking for a house to buy, plus keeping up this one in LA. Having a structured meal plan like DTG has kept me from going off the deep end and stress eating. Knowing that there is food available for me to eat and that I'm not left to my own devices has really help me to maintain these last few weeks. I'm back on the treadmill, after being sick last week...just wasn't up to it. I really want to get into the two hundred and teens. With a little luck and some hard work I will get there and maybe my offer on a house in MS has been accepted...cross your fingers for both.


  1. I'm thinking the condensation from the frozen meals might have caused the packaging to become wet then dry having the material be more vulernable to breakage. DTG is very good about taking care of its customers. One time they sent me the wrong breakfast, so gave me a credit for that breakfast on my next order. They seem to take our suggestions heavily and do their best to meet them as well.

    The treadmill is great, but don't forget the weights as well!

    Good luck with your house selling :)

  2. Bo

    Great Job staying with the program.
    Moving is right at the top of the stress chart.
    Also, thanks for the encouraging words!
