Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I've figured out the secret to Diet to Go...for me anyway.

Here's why I think the DTG plan works for me. There isn't any guess work. I always know what I'm having and everything is provided. See, left to my own devices, I tend to make a lot of impulsive and unhealthy choices. With DTG, I know there is always something right there for me. It takes very little prep work and within minutes I have something tasty and healthy to eat. I love the fact that everything has been weighed, measured, calculated, etc. This way I don't feel guilty about eating the angelfood cake, chocolate mousse or pudding. I can always reach for a juicy navel orange or fresh apple. It's remarkable that even though my food travels several hundred miles to get to me the fruit ends up in better shape than if I brought it home from the local grocery. I feel like Oprah; this meal plan is like having your own personal Bob Greene (I think that's his name) selecting and preparing your meals for you. OK, I do the actual heating and eating but it couldn't be simpler. I hear rumors that DTG is rolling out a completly new website too so log on, select your meal plan and get busy eating well and losing weight with great tasting, real food.

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